Hvis man skal på teltferie kan man da ligesågodt gøre alle andre grønne af misundelse..F.eks. ved at tage sit solfangertelt med som har internet og lys hele natten....hvis altså man er mørkeræd eller noget..
Ellers kan man jo bare flashe sit supercool campertelt som sagtens kunne rumme en E.T. eller to..
Selv plejer vi at tage 2 voksne og 2 teenagere af sted i et 3 mandstelt (uden fortelt eller noget) hvilket kræver ufatteligt godt vejr for at blive en succes..Den eneste respekt vi får på campingpladsen , er for at forblive rimeligt gode venner efter at have ligget i lagkage på ALT for lidt plads i 14 dage i træk..
If you're going camping you might as well make all the other campers green with envy .. maybe by bringing this solar cell tent that has internet and all night light etc .... In case that you're afraid of the dark or something ..
Otherwise you can just flash this super cool camper tent that easily would accommodate an ET or two ..
We (2 adults and 2 teenagers) usually take off in a 3 person tent (with no front tent or spare space of any kind) which requires incredibly good weather to be a success .. The only respect we get on the camp site is respect for remaining reasonably good friends after sleeping almost on top of each other on too little space for 14 days in a row ..
Otherwise you can just flash this super cool camper tent that easily would accommodate an ET or two ..
We (2 adults and 2 teenagers) usually take off in a 3 person tent (with no front tent or spare space of any kind) which requires incredibly good weather to be a success .. The only respect we get on the camp site is respect for remaining reasonably good friends after sleeping almost on top of each other on too little space for 14 days in a row ..
(via: technouptodate)
(via: removethelabels)
(via: poppytalk)
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